Be the Change You Want to See

I had been warmly welcomed to South Africa. We were there to work with a mining construction company who wanted to solve their safety challenge. The immensity of this challenge hit us on our day off while we dealt with our jet lag. I had no idea what lessons were in store for me…

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Timothy LudwigComment
Behavioral Approaches to COVID

As behavior science is called upon more than ever to address a crisis, I’ve reached out to my network of scientists, consultants, and friends to collect their lists of tips, pinpoints, and tactics to sharpen your behavioral approach to this new reality.

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Heroes Among Us

People are active.  They don’t want to sit back and be passive.  In fact, these particular set of heroes want to be ACTIVE in the face of our nation’s crisis.   They need to be told what to DO, not what to NOT-do.  This professional workforce can actively engage in many ways to positively impact their own health and the safety of the region’s food supply.   Empower the workforce to pinpoint the active behaviors they can all engage in.

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T.H.A.N.K.S. for the Feedback

Do our trainings translate out in the field, where the work is done? Are workers able to discriminate the safe behaviors they need during the task… in the moment? Practicing and utilizing the T.H.A.N.K.S. conversation will create results in behavior. 

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Timothy LudwigComment
Align for the Front Line

By the time workers find themselves in a position to take risks, we have already lost. There were a whole host of behaviors, done by a host of other people, unaware they have participated in perfectly creating the conditions for workers to take risks. We need to discover the interlocking behaviors that lead to risk taking among Front Line Workers

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